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Polly Packet’s Precious Payload: All Smiles to the Data Center

How do you teach kids about the internet? What is a data center? What skilled trades, trades, and careers are in their future? Buy Polly Packet’s Precious Payload and start the conversation. 

The data center industry has over 300,000 open jobs for trades, skilled trades, technologists, engineers, marketing, and a wide variety of others. This book describes how the internet works and how messages (in this case a smile and message for Grandma) get to the data center. It explains what a data center is and introduces these careers to those that may work here someday. While children today learn coding, very few learn where the code “lives.” This book aims to correct that by way of introduction to the internet, data centers and the jobs within the industry. Buy one now and unlock a world of jobs in mission critical data centers. These jobs let you see the world and will never go away.