
This is NOT #thenewnormal. Not Even a Little Bit!
This is NOT the new normal. This is a beginning of something new, an opportunity for learning and growth. While there are tragic outcomes, without a doubt. My heart goes out to all of impacted people. But, some good WILL come of this current crazieness. This is a time where we all learned that humans are better together than we ever are apart. This is a global problem and we have learned that no one was prepared, not our governments, not our citizens and not our news media. The situation changes frequently, and we are ALL chasing a moving target. It doesn’t really matter where you sit on the political spectrum, everyone is doing the best they can do with the information at hand. But we are learning. We will grow and we will be better.
Our medical personnel, first responders, and essential personnel are heroes in every country. Our IT departments and data centers are keeping us going and supporting these heroes at the same time. Instead of focusing where to place blame, let’s focus on the amazing feats happening before our very eyes. Factories are stepping up to make ventilators and personal protective gear. New vaccines are being developed and new testing procedures are coming to light. Our nations are cooperating in ways we, as citizens, never dreamed. People never cease to amaze me; and the genuine stories of heart and spirit lift me up. Once mobilized to a greater good, people are astonishing. We are seeing the best (and in some cases worst) in people. Although I’m inspired by the best.
It is NOT the time to reach out just because you can. It’s hard enough for folks learning to work remotely without the extra 7,384 SPAM emails a day taking up power, attention and much needed bandwidth. This is NOT the best time to be marketing because everyone is in front of their laptop. If you can’t contribute, you are noise. Was everyone’s disaster recovery and business continuity plans perfect? Of course not! Was everyone able to just work elsewhere without a hitch, oh no. There is no way anyone could have predicted the events of late. Some companies did a much better job at getting remote works up and running, but even those with a disaster in their history have learned something valuable moving forward.
Will the horizon change when we are on the other side? Absolutely! Some people are going to want to stay remote when this is over. Locations of data are going to move to a much more decentralized model. Circuits and communications lines will be beefed up, and people at the edge are going to demand a better experience than many are getting right now. Carrier oversubcription models are going to be viewed in a much different light. In some cases, that POTs line is looking pretty good! Carriers are going to have to step into the new age to meet this new demand. Brokers and agents are going to be tasked with bringing multiple solutions to the table for their customers from SD-WAN to anything communications as a service. The competition is going to be ongoing for some time and a great opportunity for smaller businesses that pay better attention to smaller businesses.
Our children are learning differently. It’s not all about the books. Homework is an all day lesson. Classrooms are going to be expected to use more digital tools and solutions. We will be integrating mobility into the student experience. Websites like @Curriki and other online learning platforms are getting some much needed student attention. Even zoos are becoming more remotely interactive. Parents are going to want robust services as their homes become the edge for themselves and their children. Communications contracts and requirements have already changed.
Security is going to be a predominant focus for a while. Many “holes” that were created to “make do” are going to have to be closed in short order. Lots of folks are going to learn the benefit of documentation and locking down desktops. We might actually be in the age of desktop as a service for many. And the next normal is going to be taxing on IT resources and their supporters.
End users are going to be frustrated for a little while in some cases. Others are going to find new satisfying ways to work in their yoga pants and jammies with business attire from the desk up. The new office attire might be inspired by the mullet after all! We are learning about crazy tiger people, and life without sports. We are reaching out to make sure people are OK. We are reflecting. When this circus is over, the actual #newnormal will be as amazing as the people that create it. And together we ARE AMAZING! I’m really looking forward to an actual #newnormal! I don’t know about your circle, but within mine, I’m blessed. #WeAreAllinThisTogether